What do IRL kayakers do to get ready for spring/summer kayaking? Well, apparently they hop on a rower! Joe Jackson at Outside Online gives the RW900 two thumbs up and shares his new-found appreciation for this engaging home rower.
After a stellar ski season, Joe hops on his RW900 to recondition his whole body in preparation for his summer kayaking excursions. This Pacific Northwest native is no stranger to rowing, but even Joe admits that this form of cardio can be a bit dull. On the RW900 though, boredom goes out the window.
“The RW900 has solved my motivation problem.”
– Joe Jackson, Outside Online
iFit® has a massive library of interactive rowing and cardio classes, keeping rowers engaged and entertained.
“Think a 12-minute simulated saunter down the Kafui River in Zambia, or 35 minutes of lung-busting interval training at the pre-recorded hands of instructor Jay Wein (who magically seems to know when I’m no longer engaging my core). And Olympic gold medalist Alex Gregory has started to feel like an old friend –or, a tape of him has. He regales me with stories of his races on the U.K. Olympic crew team while we virtually hammer down iconic European rivers together. It feels like I’m not suffering alone.”
NordicTrack Rowers Add Variety To Your Workout
Staying motivated during a full-body rowing workout takes less effort on the RW900. The 22” HD touchscreen display provides a viewing experience like no other. From your console, you can choose between countless workouts by a large cast of world-renowned personal trainers. Classes target different training styles so you can select a workout catered to your fitness goals. Focus on HIIT, speed, or resistance training, or let the scenery be your guide by rowing through some of the most beautiful landscapes in the world with iFit.
Create More Opportunities By Bringing Cardio Home
Joe uses his rower to take a break from work and re-engage in physical activity. He appreciates how easy it is to hop on the RW900 for a quick session that fits into his schedule and lifestyle. The quiet rower doesn’t require him to blast the volume on the video so he can easily use it during the kids’ nap time.
In the end, Joe liked the RW900 so much that he chose to forgo his gym membership and opt for his home workouts instead.
Joe Jackson wasn’t the only journalist to show NordicTrack love this week. The Commercial 1750 was also featured on Good Housekeeping as one of the best items to have in your home gym.
NordicTrack is truly devoted to creating an effective and affordable experience for everyone, and it’s great to see more platforms are noticing our efforts. Making fitness accessible and fun is key to getting our hands on a healthier lifestyle. We’re constantly innovating to deliver home exercise equipment that keeps up with today’s fitness education and technology.
For more information about the RW900, see here, and see why Joe swears by it!