You wouldn’t trust just anyone with your food or money, right? How would your fitness trainer be any different? After all, this is your health and well-being we’re talking about.
Meet NordicTrack’s Fusion CST Trainers, Hannah Eden and Michael Vazquez. Not only will you get an intense workout, but you’ll have fun in the process all the while knowing you’re in good hands. Their unparalleled teachings will leave you hungry for more. Get to know them here:
Hannah: “I’m Hannah Eden. I am 26 years old and I am a fitness professional.”
Michael: “My name is Michael Vazquez and I’m from Los Angeles, California.”
Question: What do you like about the Fusion CST?
Hannah: “The fact that they are under constant resistance. You don’t have to necessarily stop what you’re doing in order to get a little bit more, you just need to get a little bit further away from the machine to step things up. The amount of things that you can do on it is insane, like I got super creative. The list is endless.”
Question: What can CST users expect from your workouts?
Michael: “Intensity. Your heart rate is going to be pumping the entire time you’re going to be working out with me.”
Hannah: “I am a total weirdo, so I guess when I work out and I coach your work out I kind of embrace that person and just get wild. I’m a little inappropriate … to a certain degree. I expect a certain standard of exercise from everyone that comes into my class. And I also like to have a lot of fun and goof around.”
Michael: “You know, just give it everything you got, and I’m going to be right there with you.”
Question: Who is your favorite person to workout with?
Michael: “My favorite person to work out with is Hannah Eden. She’s awesome. And she empowers women! What better way to do that, but making women more badass?”
Question: What perceptions do you have about men vs. women?
Hannah: “Females can be strong, man! There’s no way that I’m going to be okay with any male beating me inside the gym now, and that’s a constant battle with myself that, ‘oh she’s a female; she’s going to come after boys.’ No way man! Like, I’m going to leave everything I got on the floor, and I really believe that every female should empower their strength. That strength is beautiful, and we’re all equal.”
Question: How did you develop your new hybrid training?
Michael: “Okay, so when I started fitness, I had no idea of what I was doing, nutrition-wise, anything. I knew how to breakdance from high school, so I just had this idea of kind of fusing them all together: break dance, traditional lifting, and endurance training. And just said you know what, I want to challenge myself. I want to keep moving, so I just fused them all together.”
Question: What is your favorite cheat meal?
Michael: “If we’re going to try to live healthy, eat sour patch kids, okay?”
Hannah: “With cheese. A lot of it.”
Michael: “Doughnuts.”
Hannah: “Extra thick, sizzling bacon.”
Michael: “Pizza.”
Hannah: “Salt and vinegar chips, garlic aioli, spicy mayonnaise, jalapeños, and a fried egg right on top. You want one?”
Michael: “I can go on like this.”
Hannah: “Me too.”
Question: What motivation is your son to your success?
Michael: “You know my son is… my son is everything, you know. He really helps, you know. He gives me all the inspiration and motivation I need because I look at him and, you know, I want him to be strong and what better role model but his father to be strong?”
Question: What is your advice for getting into shape?
Hannah: “I would say, just begin. Get a very clear vision of what you need to do in order to take the first step.”
Michael: “Believe in yourself, you know. It’s so important, you know. I was probably two months in working out for the first time and I hated life, you know. I didn’t want to do things. There were days that I wanted to give up.”
Hannah: “I feel like if you walk into it and into the fitness world with no guidance, it’s scary. It’s intimidating. It’s really hard to stay motivated. It’s really hard to stay engaged and to get results.”
Michael: “Everything with fitness is about patience and progression. You know, you’re not going to achieve all the results in one day, you know. This is all about time.”
Hannah: “Stay committed. Set yourself short-term goals as well as long-term goals and do not stop until you reach them.”
Michael: “You know, having fun when you’re working out is everything because this is something that you should grow to love.”
Hannah: “So, don’t stop until you succeed. Once you feel that feeling, I promise you, you’re going to continuously set goals, and you’re going to get stronger and fitter. And you’re going to release your true potential.”
Michael: “I encourage you to keep believing yourself and do not give up because the moment you give up might be the day you’re going to get your results.”
Hannah: “It’s not always about physical; it’s what you mentally realize you’re capable of, and I think that’s from just proving yourself and teaching yourself discipline inside of a gym that you can transcend that into your real life, and break down some crazy mental barriers and literally the sky’s the limit.”
Michael: “But if you skip leg day you’re not my friend… I don’t… I don’t want anything to do with you.”
Hannah: “Never skip leg day, bra! You don’t want to do that! You can’t get an upper body like this and skinny legs! Everyday’s leg day.”
Michael: “I’m coming after you!”