Cities have closed down, lives have been adjusted, and our worry seems to be increasing by the day. Even with all this stress going on, we have noticed our iFit members turning their worries into their motivation. What an amazing way to acknowledge an opportunity and to run with it…pun intended.
We have completely been inspired to follow through and stick with our own workouts on our NordicTrack equipment simply by watching our member’s journeys. You too can overcome uncertain feelings of this time and use that to motivate you for something good.
Let’s take a look at how these iFit members are staying motivated at home with their workouts:
Natalie Dorset – Motivated By: TRAINING

“This Sunday I was supposed to be running the Virgin Money London Marathon. I was invited to run it as part of the Inaugural Wanda Age Group Championships representing The Republic of Trinidad and Tobago. The race was postponed to October. Now, whether we get to run it or not is not for me to decide, out of my control. I have been indoors for 5 weeks in NYC (asthma) and I am training hard on my treadmill with the hopes we still race. If not, I am still proud and honored to have been the first person from Trinidad selected for this honor.
#Grateful #RunHappyRunHopeful #TrinbagoMarathoners #TheLaughingRunner #VirginMoneyLondonMarathon #WandaAgeGroupChampionships (T&T kit courtesy Ronald Poon-Affat and Richard Jones Running Photos by Dan Rosenfeld) #iFit #TeamiFitSweepstakes”
Rolin Smith – Motivated By: GOAL SETTING

“I DID IT!!! 13.1. Just finished the official Nashville 13.1 half route, a goal I’ve had for over 10 years! Plugged the route in on iFit and got in my zone. Not gonna lie, I crashed to the floor and cried when I finished. I needed this. Life’s crazy. When I set this lofty goal 10 years ago,… I honestly gave myself a 2% chance, but as Lloyd said, “You mean there’s a chance!” It’s been a crazy couple months and I had to accomplish it. I needed to complete my goal and have a sense of normalcy. Not too bad for Saturday #17. KEEP ON TRUCKIN’.”
Lisa McDonald Farlow – Motivated By: LEARNING

“I went from inside the Great Pyramid in Egypt to Maitake Te Moa on Easter Island this morning in a little over 40 minutes. Now that’s some time traveling right there. Amazed at all the history I am able to learn while maintaining my health! I’m even more amazed at how people moved these humongous rocks & built as they did that many years ago.”
Sarah Elizabeth – Motivated By: SOCIALIZING

“Nicole has become my bff since we’ve had to stay home. She’s the only adult I see until my doctor hubs gets home!!”
The motivation and strength these iFit members portray completely motivates us to jump on our own home equipment! Thank you to these members for sharing your journeys with us all, and we’re excited to watch you improve your health, fitness, and succeed!
DISCLAIMER: This post is not intended to replace the advice of a medical professional. The above information should not be used to diagnose, treat, or prevent any disease or medical condition. Please consult your doctor before making any changes to your diet, sleep methods, daily activity, or fitness routine. NordicTrack assumes no responsibility for any personal injury or damage sustained by any recommendations, opinions, or advice given in this article. Always follow the safety precautions included in the owner’s manual of your fitness equipment. Statements of individuals featured in this article are based upon their own experience, and may not be the experience of another user.
IFIT DISCLAIMER: iFit requires an internet connection and wifi to function. You will be required to provide your credit card information upon sign-up for iFit. Your Commitment Period may be month-to-month or twelve (12), eighteen (18), or thirty-six (36) months, depending on your agreement. Terms shall apply to your iFit use and subscription during your Commitment Period and any subsequent Renewal Term. Unless you cancel your account or notify us at least twenty four (24) hours prior to the expiration of your commitment period that you do not wish to renew your subscription, your iFit subscription will automatically renew for an additional month, one (1) year, or two (2) year period, as applicable, for the same duration as your initial commitment period (“The Renewal Term”), and you authorize us to bill the then-applicable membership fee and any taxes to the payment method we have on record for you.